life coaching

Engage. empower. eLevate.


about Michael marcinko

Life Coach, Financial Empowerment Consultant, Photographer

Michael Marcinko is a tenacious and compassionate divorced single dad who embarked on the path of self-discovery and metamorphosis after enduring the storms of infidelity, relationship abuse and divorce. With an investment of over 1,000 hours in therapy and dedicated self-improvement, he has emerged not only a survivor, but a beacon of hope and wisdom for others in similar circumstances. 

Over the years and in his current romantic relationship, Michael has experienced ongoing transformational shifts that allow him to not only heal from past wounds but also to embrace self-love and explore the power of authentic connection.

Michael loves to spend his time with his two incredible daughters and hikes all over Arizona and the Southwest. He enjoys photography, diving with sharks, and celebrating his Cleveland roots.


life coaching Services

Engage | Empower | Elevate



I’ve been in your shoes. You’re unhappy. You’re exhausted. Everything you’ve tried hasn’t worked. You’ve embraced the archetype of “take care of everyone and everything” and never yourself. And you’ve finally realized it’s bullshit- it’s not working for you (or them). You’re suffering, and you aren’t who or where you want to be. You may even have everything you could possibly want, and yet you aren’t fulfilled.

That’s where I come in.


Likely, the only time you feel free to shut everything off and de-stress is when escape your current reality (i.e. to the golf course, your phone, etc.). Now you get to create a life you don’t need to escape from. This is about engaging differently. You have put the weight of the world on your shoulders as a caretaker and provider. All of that engagement has been draining and externally focused- you’re working on everything and everyone except for yourself. You’re always the last thing on your to do list. In our process together, you will be reengaging with your own self, and maybe even your old self who was happier, so you can be more present, mindful and better for all of the responsibilities you have in life.


You’ve become a people-pleaser. You don’t want to rock the boat. You don’t express your needs- you may feel unsafe to do so or like it will only cause problems if you do. By trying to make everyone happy, you’re losing your own personal power and even your sense of masculinity. It may feel like no matter what you do, it’s the wrong thing. Empowerment is about you standing up for yourself, setting boundaries, expressing yourself in healthy ways, communicating your needs and working with your emotions.


It’s time to elevate away from this old paradigm of self-abandonment, people-pleasing and escapism. True femininity and masculinity revolves around you being true to who you are- not following societal pressures or roles- and taking ownership of your emotions and genuine needs. You can do the greatest of things when you’re truthful with yourself, not to mention how it vastly improves your relationships and entire life. Through doing this work on and for yourself, everything else will improve… and without it, it just may fall apart.


  • $175/session

    • 45-minute virtual session with time for reflection and debrief

    • Personalized google doc with notes

  • The “Engage” Package, $600

    • Four sessions, use within 40 days

  • The “Elevate” Program, $1600

    • 8 weekly sessions

    • Deep reprogramming with high levels of personalized support

    • Unlimited voice/text messaging with Michael

  • Hike with Mike Sessions + Experiences

    • Move your sessions to the trail

      • By the hour, $250 (for people at any activity level)

      • The “Vista” Journey, $350

      • The “Ridgeback” Journey, $450

      • Customized day retreats, inquire



start here

Use this contact form to schedule your 15 minute introductory call with Michael and begin your journey.